Winter League 2025: Open Men

The Open Men will have 3 teams with a mix of youth and adult players on each squad.


Team E

1 Ethan Offman
2 Pablo Bosko
3 Taso Harbis
4 Duncan Suffield
5 Denys Kior
6 Michael Reid
7 Jasper Robbie
8 Ellis Teetaert
9 Idan Medvedovsky
10 Joah Paletta
11 Sam Haight
12 Zev Robinson
13 Pedro Rodriguez


Team F

1 Yonathan Klovatch
2 Alexander Mackin
3 Liam Chartier
4 Maddyx Giesbrecht
5 Brendan McTavish
6 Ryan Morton
7 Elliot Shippam
8 Roman Snider
9 Kole Toews
10 Matt Eldridge
11 Jack Cherrett
12 Matt Henderson


Team G

1 Mattias Mukozi
2 Jayden Del Campo
3 Diego Gubitosa
4 Sajid ElMaghraby
5 Fabio Todaro
6 Paul Bellerive
7 Logan Karasinski-Borgstrom
8 Luke Hiebert
9 Ignacio Resnik
10 Dane Surtees
11 Yannick Sinclair
12 Gilad Shwaitser
13 Kevin Freedman


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